Do you have a plan to assess?

“We can’t improve what we don’t assess.”

 Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy

What were the most important things you wanted to accomplish this past year? Were you able to achieve them? If not, what got in the way? Did you have a routine process you used to evaluate progress and assess momentum? If the answer is no, how could you know if you were progressing towards your goals?  

One of my favorite exercises at the end of the year is to set aside a day to reflect on the year just past and assess what I did well, contemplate those areas of my performance where I was lacking, and begin to plan for the year ahead. I am not big on New Year resolutions, but I am a massive fan of taking the time to intentionally plan my goals and curate the experiences I desire to create. As I work through this process for 2021, I can see an opportunity to improve next year by regularly reviewing my progress and performance throughout the year. Therefore, I will be much more intentional about setting aside time to pause, assess, and incorporate improvements into my work for the coming year. 

Plan your work, work your plan, assess your performance, build a better plan, execute all over again…