Unlock greatness…

“Great dancers are not great because of their technique; they’re great because of their passion.”

Martha Graham

What are those things that stir your soul and enable you to put in the countless hours of effort and energy that are required to master a craft? The beauty of doing these things is that the work, no matter how hard it is, is ALWAYS worth it, and it doesn’t feel like drudgery or a waste of time.

The key to life is to discover the things for which you have this degree of passion and find a way to do them. Everything else you might do fails in comparison to doing something you are deeply passionate about and makes your spirit soar. If you don’t know yours, then I highly recommend taking the time to do the deep soul searching that is required to discover your passion(s).

Your passion could be a hobby, a vocation, or an opportunity to serve others. Whatever it is, do it. Make it part of your intentional living in every way. Everyone has greatness inside them, we just have to put in in the effort that is required to unlock it.

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