Are you quietly fixing failure?

“Failure is your responsibility. Share the credit, take the blame, and quietly find out and fix things that went wrong.”

Colin Powell

Failure isn’t something that happens to you; it happens for you. If you blame others, you push the responsibility away from yourself and take away your opportunity to learn, grow, and lead.  

I am sure that we have all known bombastic people who yell and scream when things don’t go their way. But, unfortunately, they generally aren’t people who can “quietly find out and fix things that went wrong.” Perhaps they never had a positive example of effective leadership; maybe the only thing they know how to do is assign blame and point fingers. Sometimes these types are even quite effective at producing results, at least temporarily. However, I would argue that if one spends their time pointing fingers, sooner or later, they will find themselves with no one to point at except themselves. 

Where have you failed, and what are you going to fix today quietly?

Who gets the credit?

“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” 

Harry S. Truman 

Who should get the credit for any accomplishments that we make in life?  I’m convinced that not once in life should I get any credit for anything that I have “accomplished.”  God has blessed me beyond measure and the opportunity to work with, serve for, and help amazing people is an incredible reward.

What happens when we focus our attention on doing the right thing and focusing on making a difference?  Instead of putting the effort towards what we “get” instead we should focus on what needs to be done, regardless of any credit that is due….   Reframing the “credit” due is incredibly freeing.  So much of our society today is all about the individual reward and recognition instead of focusing on doing the right thing.

What would you do differently if the “credit due” didn’t matter?

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