Building trust strengthens relationships and that is what delivers results.

“Strong relationships are the foundation of great results.”

Dan Rockwell

The most successful relationships are based on mutual trust and respect. When you have this the outcomes can be simply incredible. But it takes intentional work to build good relationships. At times it might feel like that this work is counter to driving results, that the effort and energy is being misused instead of being put directly towards achieving your desired outcomes. But this is short sighted and conveys a lack of humility and a servant leader ethos.

Putting forth the energy to build strong relationships, and to truly know and understand those that you work and live with, is the key to driving great results in the future. When relationships are strong there is a high degree of trust and with trust comes the ability to create alignment and focus on what is really important. Without trust, there is no relationship.

Who are the most important people you should be investing in right now to build stronger relationships? How much time do you spend seeking to understand the goals of others so you can help them achieve their great results? What results are you seeking to achieve together? What is the one thing you can do today that is focused on strengthening a key relationship in your life?

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Who’s fault is it?

“You’re a failure as a leader if people sit around waiting for you to tell them what to do.”

Dan Rockwell

Leadership failure happens if you aren’t first asking yourself the question, “what am I doing that is creating or causing this situation?”  The outcome is simply a reflection of leadership choices.  What choices have I made, intentional or not, that are responsible for creating a culture where ownership and accountability is low and “people sit around waiting to be told what to do?”  Leadership starts with self and that means asking yourself tough questions on how you are contributing to the problem.

I might argue that you’re a failure as a leader if you sit around expecting others to have to change, but your not looking to change yourself…

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